Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I have a question about frisbees.

So while attempting some housecleaning today, I realized two things: 1.I have never learned how to use a chest of drawers, and 2.My frisbee is dirty. Which led to another thought: A lazy person, such as myself, needs a shortcut regarding cleaning frisbees. Sure, I could use a paper towel and some actual effort, or... OR... I could put it in the dishwasher or the washing machine. I could use technology! I have a feeling the results would be disasterous for either the frisbee, the appliance, or both. But oh, the possibilities! I decided to turn to a panel of experts. My friend's brother is starting up a company that allows you to ask any question for ten cents. It uses something called mturk and I've been testing it here and there. So I ask:

"Is it possible to wash a frisbee in either the dishwasher or washing machine?"

Here are my two responses:

Answer 1:
no, you needo to wash it by hand
Source: me

Answer 2:
Yes, it is possible to wash a frisbee in either machine. I do not think it would be a good idea to send it through the cloths washer but the dishwasher seems like a good choice.
Source: Deductive Reasoning

Well, I guess that clears up that little dilemma.


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Does the frisbee have a dishwasher compatable marking on it?

2. What is the temperature of the water used in the dishwasher. If the water is to hot it could melt or increase the flow of plastic thus misshaping your frizbee.

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question 1 - why do you need to wash a frisbee?
Question 2 - what does a frisbee have to do with pants?

At 5:30 PM, Blogger ZenBlender said...

Answer 1 - The frisbee was afraid of being discriminated against.
Answer 2 - You have a lot to learn about frisbees.


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