Friday, March 10, 2006

Not cryin' over spilled milk

Fridays are my favorite day of the week. I try not to think on Fridays unless thinking is forced upon me. Evil think master! But on this particular Friday a "stupid pill" was somehow slipped into my breakfast. I never really quite know exactly how it happens. It just happens. And I really just have to giggle it off. Yes, for all of those of you wondering how to rid of the effects of the "stupid pill", it is giggling. Laughter is okay too but I much prefer to giggle. So in my attempt to avoid thinking, I open my eyes and mind to just enjoying moments of life. Moments such as the car who's windshield washer jets are so powerful that they create this spectacular fountain affect as the washer fluid rebounds off the windshield, the thrill of not being in a hurry to be anywhere that I consider taking the entire 15 seconds allowed by the blinking countdown to cross the intersection, and the ever mesmerizing head bob that allows all other drivers who care to notice that I'm feeling the groove or in the groove or just plain groovey. And then the effects of the "stupid pill" kick in. I'm in the coffee shop. I love coffee shops. What a wonderful conception. People gather to hang out, discuss life, politics, work, and create world peace. Or at least a peaceful world. I love coffee shops! I'm at the "milk stand" as it be and procede to attempt to move the Fat Free Milk pitcher out of my way so that I can make more room for the full bodied Half and Half pitcher. In my attempt, a slow motion movie plays out as I watch the Fat Free Milk pitcher tip just enough to spill a sizeable amount of milk that required an announcement from the overhead speaker "clean-up for the girl who took her stupid pill". Just kidding. No overhead speaker in this coffee shop. So I giggle. And I wipe up the spilled milk. Then as I pour the crystallized contents from the long cylindrical packet into my coffe, the "stupid pill" causes a brief disconnect between my brain and my fingertips that allow the cylindrical packet to fall into my creamy coffee colored goodness. And it bobs! And I giggle.


At 9:59 AM, Blogger blizzo said...

Ode To A Giggle:

Oh bless the giggle,
that makes me squirm and wiggle.
For it is not short of divine,
The noise that shivers my spine.
I love it most at dusk,
When magic is in the air.
When giggles find the breeze,
and the breeze finds my pantsless derriere!


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